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Submission Pricing

How much does it cost to submit coins to CAC? Our pricing is listed below.

What are you waiting for? Begin submitting today!
Service Tier (Maximum Coin Value) Grading Fee Reholder Fee
Camera IconUltra Rarity 1
(no maximum value)
$2,000 $100
Camera IconRarity 1
(coin value up to $500,000)
$1,000 $100
Camera IconWalkthrough
(coin value up to $125,000)
$110 $50
Camera IconExpress
(coin value up to $10,000)
$45 $25
Camera IconStandard
(coin value up to $3,000)
$35 $10
Camera IconGold 2
(select $5, $10 & $20 gold coins; value up to $4,000)
$28 $10
(coin value up to $500)
$20 $10
Economy — Morgan & Peace 2
(1878-1935; coin value up to $500)
$15 $10
Camera IconThese services include high resolution imaging of the coin (obverse and reverse)
1 If Rarity and Ultra Rarity Crossovers are not encapsulated by us, there is a 70% discount to net prices of $300 and $600, respectively.
2 In order to qualify for this tier and the associated pricing, the submission must only include coins that qualify for this tier. If some coins on the submission qualify and others do not, the pricing for the next tier will apply (Standard instead of Gold, and Economy instead of Economy - Morgan & Peace). Review this article for more details.
Service Tier (Maximum Coin Value) Grading Fee Reholder Fee
Modern Walkthrough
(coin value up to $125,000)
$100 $50
Modern Express
(coin value up to $10,000)
$35 $25
Modern Standard
(coin value up to $3,000)
$20 $10

Services and prices are valid only for coins accepted for grading and stickering as listed on our website. Every submission will be charged a handling fee of $10 for paper submissions and $5 for portal submissions.

Regarding the maximum coin value for a given service tier, CAC utilizes third-party pricing to determine values for coins we grade/sticker. For coins whose value is determined to be greater than the maximum value allowed for that tier, we will charge the lowest tier price for which the coin’s value is now appropriate; this additional charge is only for individual coins that exceed the maximum value, not all coins on the submission. However, we understand that pricing is subjective, so there is 30% leeway on this upcharge value. For example, if you submit a coin for grading on the Standard tier, and we calculate the value of your coin to be $3,500 (greater than the $3,000 maximum value for that tier), you will not be up charged.

Add-on Services
Camera Icon
High Resolution Imaging+$5
Coin Variety Icon
Variety Attribution+$20
Mint Error Icon
Mint Error+$15
Delivery Icon
First Delivery+$10
Modern Coins Only
Service Tier (Maximum Coin Value) Stickering Fee Resticker Fee
(no maximum value)
$1,000 $100
(coin value up to $125,000)
$150 $50
(coin value up to $10,000)
$68 $25
(coin value up to $3,000)
$22 $5

If a coin does not sticker, there will be a 25% discount on the stickering fee.

Services and prices are valid only for coins accepted for grading and stickering as listed on our website. Every submission will be charged a handling fee of $10 for paper submissions and $5 for portal submissions.

Send grading submissions to:
CAC Grading
1716 Corporate Landing Parkway
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Send stickering submissions to:
1420 US Highway 206, Suite 110
Bedminster, NJ 07921
Return Shipping and Insurance Rates to US Addresses
Insured Value $1 to $10,000 $10,001 to $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $75,000 $75,001 to $100,000
1-10 coins $30 $40 $75 $100 $115
11-20 coins $37 $48 $85 $110 $125
21-40 coins $42 $55 $90 $115 $130
41-60 coins $47 $60 $95 $120 $135
61-80 coins $52 $65 $100 $125 $140
81-100 coins $57 $70 $105 $130 $145

For shipments valued above $100,000, please email or call the Customer Care team at or (757) 800-1750 to arrange shipping.

When the submitter selects CAC shipping, CAC will provide postage and insurance coverage commensurate with the value of the shipment. The items will be insured for the greater of the declared value or CAC Estimated Value as defined in the Submitter Agreement. CAC uses a variety of carriers, though most packages will be shipped via USPS and FedEx. All packages will require at least a direct signature upon delivery. CAC cannot be held responsible for the speed of shipment.

CAC reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to separate a submission into multiple packages or combine submissions into one package for return shipping.